Spotted on a car while I was out to lunch. :)
Scott Alfter
12 Oct 2016

Spotted on a car while I was out to lunch. :)
Saudi Arabia, a major donor to the Clintons, has been funding ISIS. Hillary has known about this for more than two years, and done sweet bugger-all about it (other than to keep scooping up all that filthy lucre, of course). But let’s just sweep all that under the rug and keep screeching on about how Trump engaged in some locker-room talk:
Hillary In Leaked Email: Saudi Arabia And Qatar Are Funding ISIS
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama, that said Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both
One of these fingers is not like the others. :-(
(The tip of the middle finger on my left hand got smashed in a car door jamb Sunday evening. It’s been two and a half days since…hopefully it’ll stay put and not start to lift up.)
Anti-religious bigotry, especially anti-Catholic bigotry, never goes out of style among Democrats. Their terrorist wing, the KKK, was as much anti-Catholic as it was anti-black. I wonder what Tim Kaine, who considers himself Catholic, will think of this.
A top spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton's campaign mocked Catholics and evangelical Christians in an email exchange exposed by WikiLeaks.
Time to make the toe tags
Going home again…this time for more than just a couple days. :)
I’m just a brat, and my family has been fortunate in that nobody who’s served across three generations has (AFAIK) needed help getting their heads put on straight again after the horrors of war, but what about those who weren’t so lucky? We currently have 22 veterans killing themselves every day, and what does Harry the Pederast do? See below, but only after you’ve removed sharp and/or throwable objects from your immediate vicinity.
This POS can't leave too soon for me. Or America. They'll need to FUMIGATE his office.
Mamm Wich found this on a wall in the old part of Alexandria this afternoon. RU?
I’m not currently driving anything that uses one of these, but had a ’77 Cutlass Supreme up until about a year ago…tore apart the Quadrajet several years ago to give it a good cleaning and to replace all of the gaskets and seals. That also took care of a sticky-throttle problem that sometimes kept it from going out of fast idle when it should.
More Democrat hypocrisy.