Government control, not gun^H^H^Hpeople control:
Scott Alfter
28 Feb 2018

Government control, not gun^H^H^Hpeople control:
Oh, FFS…make this retard spend the rest of the semester in whatever math class he’s currently taking at the front of the room, wearing a dunce cap with this symbol all over it.
Odds that’ll ever happen? The square root of zero, as Jerry Doyle used to say. :)
Riddle me this: the gun-grabbers want only the police to have guns, but the cop whose job was to keep that school in Florida safe was caught on camera lazing about outside while a mass shooting was under way. Tell me again how taking my guns away makes me any safer. I dare you to keep a straight face as you do so.
This is why we call CNN (and their fellow travelers) Fake News:
Found this in a reply over on Gun Grabbing Memes:
Something to consider:
Reloaders’ nightmare:
So this happened eight years ago… ❤️
Found this as I was digging through old pictures…was from one week after my 38th birthday. Where I am right now is a bit further right on the dial, but at least it’s visible on the dial, which is more than I can say for where I started back in October. Progress (in terms of the numbers constantly going down) may have slowed a bit, but I think I’m still getting ahead in other ways. Hashing may not be a race, but coming in with the FRBs more frequently has to be a good thing.