So this just happened…
Scott Alfter
29 Sep 2017

So this just happened…
It’s your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be! ?(this should be fun!)
Class of 1989
1. Did you know your spouse ? Would’ve been weird if I did, given the age difference
2. Did you carpool? No
3. What kind of car did u have? 1980 Chevette
4. It’s Friday night where did you go? Work, or camping with the Boy Scout troop
5. What kind of job did you have? McD’s
6. Were you a party animal? No
7. Were you considered popular? No
8. Were you in band/choir? No
9. Were you a nerd? I prefer “geek”
10. Did you get suspended or expelled? Not that year
11. Can you sing the fight song? I have no idea what it was
12. Where did you go to lunch? The cafeteria
13. Where was your high school? Las Vegas, NV
14. What was your mascot? Vikings
15. If you could go back and do it over again, would you? Better that it’s over and done with.
16. Did you have fun at prom? Prom? What’s that?
17. Do you still talk to the person you went to the prom with? n/a
18. Are you planning on going to your reunion? Never been to one…if I did, it would probably be for Kaiserslautern High, even though I returned Stateside a year before graduation
19. Are you still in contact with people from high school? No
20. Did you skip school/class? Never
21. How old were you when you graduated? 17
Safety Third!
Ops-checked the new bike rack with a cross-town trip…think it’ll get the job done. I might even bring it to Parker now, just because I can. (In the glass: Swiggity Swooty IPA.)
I ran across this post in another forum. It cuts to the quick of just what is wrong with the NFL and the ingrates it has hired as players:
“Before last season five cops were killed by a sniper in Dallas at a BLM rally. The Dallas Cowboys wanted to put a small tribute to them on their helmets, but the Goodell nixed it on the grounds that it didn’t project the right image for the NFL. Okay, fine, but then right after that Colin Kaepernick shows up to practice wearing pig socks and pulls that stunt at the flag and anthem ceremony, announcing he will sit in judgment of this nation until a time when he feels we’ve achieved social justice. And the league says hey what can you do? Free speech and all. So, THAT’S the image Goodell wants to project?”
I’d boycott sportsball, but I grew up with the belief that watching spectator sports was a supreme waste of time. The continued disrespect of these overpaid ingrates are unlikely to convince me otherwise, and I’d hope they cause others to reconsider their support.
Safety Third!
Getting a hitch installed…right out in front and down the road a bit, a pedestrian got hit by a car. Nellis, north of Stewart. Ambulances are here.
Definitely not summer anymore. :)
44 pax aboard already…Magic 8-Ball says of my chances at getting an exit-row seat “outlook not so good.”
Heading (wsh?) home.