Scale said 268 this morning…that’s 17 lbs. gone in two weeks.
Scott Alfter
30 Oct 2017

Scale said 268 this morning…that’s 17 lbs. gone in two weeks.
Took the AR out for a spin this afternoon…100 yards, iron sights. It was shooting a bit high and to the left at first. Not being sure which way to adjust things (and I’m not sure if I had my front-sight tool with me), I just aimed low and to the right to get on target. Minute-of-bad-guy will get the job done. :)
Saw this while picking up some eggs today.
Achievement unlocked! Bacon martini with an ass juice chaser. :)
From my trip to the range last Wednesday…minute-of-Antifa ought to be good enough accuracy if it should come to that. :)
You don’t even have to look in the “penumbras and emanations” where left-wing judges claim to find so many things that aren’t actually addressed by the Constitution. It’s in the plain text of the Constitution:
Still have a whole chicken in the freezer…maybe it’s time to dig it out.
On the weight-loss front, another visible measure of progress: I’ve pretty consistently been able to tighten the belt another notch the past few days. Scale said 269 this morning.
Hardly anybody out here this evening.
Gotta love the caption on this…I don’t care who you are. :)