That’s one way to fix your busted A/C. Wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s the right way, though.
Scott Alfter
20 Aug 2018

That’s one way to fix your busted A/C. Wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s the right way, though.
Had some time to kill and a car that wanted to be driven, so…road trip! Took the long way to Baton Rouge across the Causeway and Hwy 190. Should be a straight shot back to the airport on I-10.
Second line’s about to form up.
The only position for proper acquisition…
This pic’s for Ed.
Perfect weather for a wedding. :)
What could possibly go wrong? :)
O RLY? This asshole is who New Yorkers thought fit to elect their governor. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has presidential ambitions.
Didn’t know they had coyotes that far east: