More of today’s clouds.
Category Archives: Imported from Facebook
Scott Alfter
24 Jan 2017
Saw some unusual cloud formations while out and about. :)
Scott Alfter
23 Jan 2017
Because SJWs always project: “A leading organizer of the Women’s March was the Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. This group was founded shortly after 9/11—not to condemn the attacks, of course, but rather, to lament ‘the heightened sense of fear and the acts of blatant discrimination aimed at [the Muslim] community’ in the racist wasteland known as America. On the premise that all government efforts to forestall additional terrorism constituted Nazi-like fascism, Sarsour and her organization played a central role in pressuring the New York Police Department to terminate its secret surveillance of the many Muslim groups and mosques suspected of promoting jihadism.”
The Anti-Semite Who Organized the 'Women's March on Washington'
And the half-million lemmings who showed up in “solidarity.”
Scott Alfter
23 Jan 2017
Bullet dodged…and I was almost sorry for this asshole that Hillary cheated him out of his party’s nomination:
Bernie Sanders: America Not a Compassionate Nation, Worse Than Virtually Any Other Country On Earth
Often, when subjected to the anti-American ravings of a left-wing idealogue — like Sean Penn, for example — we roll our eyes and groan. Surely he is nothing more than a has-been celebrity. Surely, he is irrelevant to the greater American populace. The truth is, however, people of good will should…
Scott Alfter
22 Jan 2017
I thought presidents’ kids were supposed to be off-limits. Apparently not if you believe this broad, who is said to be a writer for an alleged comedy show called Saturday Night Live.
Scott Alfter
22 Jan 2017
The difference between regressives and normal people, in 100 seconds: a bystander in a MAGA hat puts out a fire (an actual fire) that had been lit in trashcans by anti-Trump protesters. Said protesters then steal his hat off his head and punch him in the face. Video at the link. Stay classy, anti-Trumpers.
America's Real 'Division' (Summarized In 100 Seconds) | Zero Hedge
According to the mainstream media, Trump's a divisive fascist; Trump supporters are violent, misogynist bigots; but anti-Trump 'protestors' are saving America from its racist self, and "love trumps hate." Watch the following 100 seconds and decide for yourself…
Scott Alfter
21 Jan 2017
Lots of snow on the mountains to the west after all of yesterday’s precipitation.
Scott Alfter
20 Jan 2017
It’s been a bit. :)
Scott Alfter
20 Jan 2017
1 hour, 38 minutes until we hit Ctrl-Z on the mistake that was the past eight years…but who’s counting? :-)
Scott Alfter
17 Jan 2017
Taco Tuesday!