Pork and beans. :) Both were done in the pressure cooker, so the kitchen isn’t sweltering and I didn’t burn up outside. The tomato on the salad is from the Heinz plant out back…first one of those to ripen.
Scott Alfter
29 Jun 2014

Pork and beans. :) Both were done in the pressure cooker, so the kitchen isn’t sweltering and I didn’t burn up outside. The tomato on the salad is from the Heinz plant out back…first one of those to ripen.
Biking home from an evening of drinking FTW! You get to burn some of it off, and you avoid problems with Johnny Law. :)
Waiting for the beer fest…turns out there was a drum circle in front of the flaming mantis.
The dangers of wearing beer T-shirts: bartenders guess what you want to drink. Nothing at all wrong with some 90 Minute IPA on tap, though. :)
I have the world’s smallest violin, and it’s playing for Hillary. :-)