- Activity: Running
- Distance: 4.14 mi
- Duration: 01:10:26
- Average Pace: 17:00 min/mi
- Calories Burned: 658
- Activity Link: http://runkeeper.com/user/salfter/activity/418839098
- Start Time: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 19:12:37
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Probably Not The Mug Shot the Dems Were Hoping For
Probably Not The Mug Shot the Dems Were Hoping For:
Rick Perry strikes back at Democrat corruption.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbXHg7_Zqjc]
An argument for moving your family off of Windows
I’m stuck with it at work, but at least I don’t have to deal with it at home (where I run Linux) and I don’t have to clean up my parents’ or sister’s computers when I visit them (because they run Mac OS X). At work, I know better than to blindly click through installer screens because of crap like what’s described below, but most people aren’t, and the only reason this crap hasn’t infested our organization is that only IT is allowed to install stuff:
Scott Alfter
19 Aug 2014
Shook up the compost bucket just now and this bastard crawled out from underneath. :-P
Scott Alfter
19 Aug 2014
Nuke ISIS. It’s the only thing those animals will understand. If they’re unwilling to coexist with the civilized world, the only remaining option is their elimination.
'Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS
"Dear God."
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell’: American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS
Nuke ISIS. It’s the only thing those animals will understand. If they’re unwilling to coexist with the civilized world, the only remaining option is their elimination:
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell’: American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS