Monthly Archives: December 2015


Found this on the book of faces…an 81-year-old not only finished a beer mile with a not-too-bad time, but she beat her daughter and son-in-law while she was at it:

This 81-Year-Old Grandma Is Better at Drinking and Running Than You Are

If you’ve ever subjected your body to a beer mile race — easily one of the world’s ultimate tests of physical and emotional endurance — you might want to contact Elvira Montes for some pointers. The 81-year-old grandmother of three was, not only the oldest person to finish during the 2015 FloTrack Beer Mile World Championships in Austin, Texas on Tuesday night, but also outran her daughter and son-in-law, according to a report byRunner’s World. Needless to say, she’s a freaking hero.


While the beer mile world champions crossed the finish line in a cloud of sweat and suds faster than you can pour a beer and drink it, Montes finished the race with a damn impressive time of just 20 minutes and 24 seconds — 50 seconds faster than her 47-year-old daughter. She admittedly doesn’t even like beer, but pounded four bottles of KCCO Gold Lager from Resignation Brewery, according to the report.

The race marked Montes’ second beer run, having participated in the same event last year. Next year, she plans to break 20 minutes and said she can improve by drinking her beer faster.


Scratch a liberal, find a fascist


A short one, in this case, angry at the world and seeking vengeance for…something:

Reich Demands Punishment for ‘Disloyalty’

Robert Reich, whose surname so nicely fits the increasingly totalitarian mood of the [Democrat] party that a fiction author would be mocked for making it up, has some suggestions on the theme: “What To Do about Disloyal Corporations.” Focus in and hold on that word “disloyal” for a moment and consider its implications: What is expected of a business now is not that it should follow the law and conduct its affairs honorably, but that it should knuckle under to the demands of whatever faction happens to hold political power or be punished by the state for “disloyalty.”

At issue is the question of corporate inversion, which is a jargon-y way of describing the fact that when U.S. firms merge with firms headquartered in other countries, they sometimes locate the legal residence of the new merged enterprise in the country with friendlier corporate tax policies — and, given that the United States has the highest and most cumbrous corporate tax code in the developed world, that almost always means relocating abroad. We are not talking here about firms relocating to Caribbean tax havens or the like, but companies moving to Ireland, Canada, Switzerland, etc.

Colorado ACLU board member demonstrates total lack of self-awareness, ignorance of Godwin’s Law

Nothing like a little bit of eliminationist rhetoric from the communists at the ACLU.  Just remember one thing, asshole: we have the guns, and we know how to use them.

Colorado ACLU Board Member: Shoot Trump Voters ‘Before Election Day’

Loring Wirbel, board member of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Colorado chapter and co-chair of the ACLU’s Colorado Springs chapter, called for supporters of GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump to be shot before they vote for the billionaire businessman.


When confronted by commenters who questioned comparing someone running for office to one of Hitler’s henchmen, Wirbel was unambiguous. One commenter implored him, “Let’s not stoop to Trump tactics to combat Trump. Let’s defeat him with reason and data.” Wirbel would have none of it.

The ACLU board member replied with a swipe at a larger percentage of the Republican Party and the American people.

“But see, most people don’t even know what reason is. They don’t use anything other than the lower brain,” Wirbel wrote, “and would no more make decisions based on logical conclusions than choose milk based on a theme song. The base of the Republican Party is unfamiliar with a cortex.”

Remember: crybullies always project.

When confronted for offering “extreme fear-mongering,” Wirbel didn’t back down. “I think Cruz is just as dangerous, but I don’t think likening Trump to Nazism is fear-mongering at all,” he replied.