Monthly Archives: January 2016

I wonder how that possibly happened

Who knew mendacity had a cost?

Obama Has Killed Public’s Trust In Government

Leadership: “In this present crisis,” Ronald Reagan said at his inauguration, “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” But it took Barack Obama to get the public to believe it.

A new Gallup poll finds that the public ranks “government” as the top problem facing America today. They put it above the economy, above unemployment, and way above immigration.

When Obama took office in 2009, government ranked fourth on the list of problems, but it has moved up steadily and has held the top spot for two years now. Government wasn’t even on the list of problems in George W. Bush’s last year in office.

Some facts on guns, and who uses them to ill effect

Elsewhere, I’ve read that if we subtracted out the blue-state-shithole stats, our murder rate as a country wouldn’t be that much different than it is in Europe…if anything, it might actually be lower.  Chicago, Baltimore, and the rest, however, are blowing the average out of the water:

America Doesn’t Have a Gun Problem, It Has a Democrat Problem

America’s mass shooting capital isn’t somewhere out west where you can get a gun at the corner store. It’s in Obama’s own hometown.

Chicago is America’s mass shooting capital. There were over 400 shootings with more than one victim. In 95 of those shootings, 3 or more people were shot.

2,995 people were shot in Chicago last year. Shootings were up, way up, in Baltimore. With an assist from Al Sharpton and #BlackLivesMatter, Baltimore beat out Detroit. But Detroit is still in the running. Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit all have something in common, they’re all run by the party of gun control which somehow can’t seem to manage to control the criminals who have the guns.

The murder rate in Washington, D.C., home of the progressive boys and girls who can solve it all, is up 54%. The capital of the national bureaucracy has also been the country’s murder capital.

These cities are the heartland of America’s real gun culture. It isn’t the bitter gun-and-bible clingers in McCain and Romney territory who are racking up a more horrifying annual kill rate than Al Qaeda; it’s Obama’s own voting base.

Gun violence is at its worst in the cities that Obama won in 2012. Places like New Orleans, Memphis, Birmingham, St. Louis, Kansas City and Philly. The Democrats are blaming Republicans for the crimes of their own voters.

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