Should’ve posted this earlier…took it last Friday.
Scott Alfter
28 Sep 2016

Should’ve posted this earlier…took it last Friday.
Just finished my first solid run in I don’t know how long, and didn’t kill myself. Still ended up someplace fun afterward, too. :)
Not just a suspected pederast*, but an animal abuser as well.
WATCH–“I reserve my right to object …”
Saw something similar to this earlier…went back to find it, came up with this. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. :-P
Virginia Beach restaurant tapes Colin Kaepernick jersey to floor
A picture of 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s jersey being taped to a local restaurant’s floor is causing a stir online.
“Cardinal Fang, fetch…the comfy chair!” Just got some new-to-us chairs in the office.
I think Marion and Shona will appreciate this. :-)
From the reactions I’ve seen, I think it’d be safe to describe the debate as a Rorshach test.
Vote as if your liberty depended on it…because it does.
When it comes to the Second Amendment, there are major differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. One respects gun owners; the other doesn't. One owns guns; the other doesn't. One will try to take away your gun rights…one won't.
The choice is pretty clear.
Just throwing this out there. >:-(
The FBI Investigation of EmailGate Was a Sham
The Bureau turned its back on its own traditions of floating above partisan politics in the pursuit of justice.