On-Out to Tucson!
Scott Alfter
23 Jun 2017

On-Out to Tucson!
Generator’s running on pixie dust and unicorn farts, I presume? Yeah…didn’t think so.
A random picture from the intertubes…is it just me, or is it a bit dusty all of a sudden?
A bit short of record territory, but still hot.
Antifa’s latest tactic. One of the commenters suggested making the bastards eat ’em if they’re caught:
…and this isn’t even the worst of what’s in store for us.
A demonstration of Poe’s Law: it’s semi-obvious that this is a parody (“MaxineVVaters” is spelled with two Vs instead of a W), but it’s the sort of bugfuck-insane rant we all could see her saying.
Hot enough to boil a monkey’s bum, as Monty Python put it. :)
Disgusting, but sadly predictable:
Remember when picking on politicians’ kids was considered out of bounds? I remember it like it was only last year. Good times.