…and they wonder why we deride them as #FakeNews, part deux:
Scott Alfter
16 Nov 2017

…and they wonder why we deride them as #FakeNews, part deux:
…and they wonder why we deride them as #FakeNews:
I missed the update yesterday…was only down 1 lb. for the week (24 lbs. total so far), but on the other hand, I’ve had to tighten my belt another notch to keep my pants up. :)
Free beer for all the (racist) hashers… :)
Sparkles might find this interesting.
24 out of 24…aced it. How about you? My former officemate (we have separate offices now) was naturalized a couple of years ago; every once in a while, we’d go through a set of flashcards with these questions so he could get ready for this test.
Quite drinkable by itself…won’t need to make a brass monkey out of this. (Guess this is a cheat night, BTW. In the glass: Founders DKML, a barrel-aged malt liquor.)
It’s here. :)