Went to replace the dead battery in my car, and look what happened to the positive terminal. There was a kid in line (seriously…he handed me his under-18 driver’s license at one point) at AutoZone who took some interest in my problem. The terminal was almost completely corroded through, and the nut that holds it to the battery fuse block (never heard of such a thing, but they seem to be fairly common on various Nissan models) was corroded in place. We ended up twisting off what was left of the terminal and ran a short cable from the battery to another terminal on the fuse block that wasn’t corroded. It’s good enough to last until I can figure out a permanent repair…might have to cut off the rest of the original terminal with a Dremel and replace it. (The original terminal isn’t that expensive, but it’s the flimsiest excuse for a car-battery terminal I’ve ever seen. Some have suggested that a marine-battery terminal adapter would be a much more solid replacement for about the same amount of money.)
Scott Alfter
26 Jun 2018