The weather back home:
Scott Alfter
14 Jun 2018

The weather back home:
Anyone who tells you Blighty doesn’t have the death penalty is full of it:
Camera Hogg’s not the sharpest tool in the shed:
Yes, it’s satire…but it’s not at all outside the realm of possibility. (Hawaiian judges have tended to be more meddlesome lately than the 9th Circus, though.)
Just paid off the car…one big step toward being debt-free.
Your feel-good story of the day:
The new phones at the office have a few more features than the ancient phones they replaced. I didn’t waste much time putting an Archer wallpaper and ringtone on mine. :)
The idiocy of regressives knows no boundaries.
Um…if you need to be told not to do this, perhaps you shouldn’t be let out unsupervised.