Scott Alfter
30 Aug 2018

Some reading material. The creator of so-called “white privilege” was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, assumed the rest of us were just like her…and here we are nearly 30 years later, dealing with the fallout.
Found this insightful summary of our predicament out on the Intertubes:
“Consider that next year, the children born the year the Berlin Wall fell will turn 30. This means that everyone under 30 really only knows the barbarism of Communism through their Howard Zinn influenced history books and leftist history teachers (if they haven’t gone out of their way to learn Marxist/Leninist history and its massive body count). Today they really only know socialism in the Scandinavian sense and the incoherent ramblings of Bernie Sanders and ‘the tart from Brooklyn.'”
This is what pwnage looks like:
Something that April might find interesting:
The lunacy of SJWs: (formerly) open-source project nobody’s heard of tacks onto its license a list of companies it doesn’t want using its software. Said list includes Microsoft (among others). Their project is hosted on GitHub…which was recently acquired by Microsoft.
Looks like the heat may be behind us:
No other body count comes close:
Let’s see if Farcebook will let this through. Money quote:
“What we are seeing in Big Tech is the inherent totalitarian impulse of the Left come into full focus. The Left is losing at the ballot box, and there are some signs it is starting to lose the culture war too. The free and open Internet has been indispensable in spreading conservative ideas, and it was indispensable in getting Donald Trump elected president — and now the Left wishes to destroy it.”