Category Archives: presstitutes

What Ezra Klein Gets Wrong About How Laws Work

Why anyone ever paid any attention to the mental midgets at Vox in the first place is anybody’s guess:

What Ezra Klein Gets Wrong About How Laws Work.

You can go ahead and reset the “Days Since Vox Had A Lost Credibility Incident” calendar back to zero.

When has this calendar ever been non-zero?

(As a reminder of why Ezra Klein is a lightweight who shouldn’t be taken seriously, I give you this quote of his from an appearance on MSNBC after the 2010 election: “The issue of the Constitution is that the text is confusing because it was written more than 100 years ago.”)

Minitrue smacked down…this time

The New York Slimes tried to pass off this bit of mendacity twelve days ago with regard to rounding up allies to take on ISIS today vs. rounding up allies to take on Saddam Hussein in 2003:

“[U]nlike Mr. Bush, Mr. Obama has sought to surround the United States with partners.”

They finally got around to issuing a correction for their smear today:

New York Times Issues Correction for Claim That ‘Unlike Bush,’ Obama Building Iraq Coalition