Conan knows what is best. This is an abbreviation of the Genghis Khan quote: "The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to…
Conan knows what is best. This is an abbreviation of the Genghis Khan quote: "The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to…
The bloodbath continues in the governors’ mansions: Massachusetts (!) has been called for Charlie Baker, who defeated Martha Coakley for an open seat. Also, the reeelection of Brian Sandoval here in Nevada has just been called, though it wasn’t much of a surprise…the Democrat candidate lost his primary to “none of the above.” (Why was he still on the ballot?)
In more governor news, Bruce Rauner has flipped 0bama’s home state, Illinois, and sent Pat Quinn packing.
w00t! Iowa has been called for Joni Ernst, which makes six! More races still to be decided, and Louisiana is most likely going to a runoff, but Dingy Harry is minority leader once again. Been sipping on some Fireball…think I need to switch to shoot the rest and switch over to something nicer.
Shifting for a bit to governors’ races: in Wisconsin, it looks like the moonbats’ bête noire, Scott Walker, is beating Mary Burke like a rented mule.
My kitchen smells insane…finally getting around to roasting those pumpkins I bought last month. The first two are in the oven.
…and Montana makes five. Just one more!
…and Colorado makes four. Mark Uterus better start packing his bags.
They’d best STFU about southerners and incest after this:
The state’s (New York’s) highest court has toppled a cultural taboo — legalizing a degree of incest, at least between an uncle and niece — in a unanimous ruling.
While the laws against “parent-child and brother-sister marriages … are grounded in the almost universal horror with which such marriages are viewed … there is no comparably strong objection to uncle-niece marriages,” Tuesday’s ruling reads.