Monthly Archives: March 2015

Liberal Fascism in Action

LandscapOh, wait…it’s not fascism when they do it:

Professors Caught Burning Books That Question Global Warming

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, and such is certainly the case coming out of San Jose State University, where two environmentalist professors took a match to an anti-global warming book – plus a photo of their little exercise – leaving an image that clearly illustrates the state of science-based academic freedom on college campuses nationwide.

The image appeared on the university’s official Department of Meteorology and Climate Science webpage, no less.

The academics who took flame to page are Dr. Alison Bridger, chairwoman of the university’s meteorology department, as well as Assistant Professor Craig Clements. The offending book? The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania.

Their brown shirts must’ve been in the wash that day, though:

Canadians Are “Spocking” Their $5 Bills in a Perfect Tribute to Leonard Nimoy

spock5caCanadians Are “Spocking” Their $5 Bills in a Perfect Tribute to Leonard Nimoy

News this week that Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy, who made the half-human half-Vulcan starship officer Spock a household name, had passed away at the age of 83 saddened Trekkies, casual fans and aficionados of his other acting work alike.

But Canadians with just a couple bucks and a pen have found their own unique way to pay tribute to the actor. As it turns out, the late Nimoy resembles former Canadian Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier (1841-1919), whose profile just so happens to grace the Canadian five-dollar banknote. It didn’t take long for Canadians to discover that with just a few strokes of a pen, the bill suddenly becomes a tribute to Spock.

There are even mirror-universe Spock notes making the rounds:

Someone who gets it

0bama’s going Bulworth…how is that of everybody in Washington, only Ted Cruz sees that?  (As usual, the “dumbass” post category is for 0bama.)

Cruz: “The Next 20 Months Are Going to Be Very Dangerous”

Prior to his speech at CPAC Thursday afternoon, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) didn’t mince words. He bluntly told reporters how nervous he is about the president’s final 20 months in office.

“The next 20 months are going to be very dangerous,” he said. “They are going to be dangerous at home. President Obama has reacted to this last election in a way that’s unprecedented. You know, prior presidents have been repudiated [and] they’ve reacted with contrition. [P]resident Obama, instead, reacted with anger and defiance.

“I believe the next 20 months we are going to see a degree of lawlessness that will exceed anything we’ve seen in the previous six years,” he continued. “I think we’re going to see executive order after executive order. I think we’re going to see the abuse of regulations in a way that crushes small businesses, destroys jobs. I think we are going to see the continued weaponization of the IRS in the federal government, and it is going to be dangerous.”