Monthly Archives: September 2015
Selfies: more hazardous than sharks?
Nearly 38% more deaths from selfies than from sharks:
Conde Nast Traveler reported on Sept. 16 that 11 people had died during selfie accidents, while eight people worldwide were killed in shark attacks. The story picked up steam with the recent death of a tourist who fell down the stairs at the Taj Mahal while trying to snap a selfie, bringing the tally up to 12. Mashable created an infographic to illustrate how much deadlier careless selfies are compared to shark attacks.
Yes, it’s 11 vs. 8, but if it saves one life…:-)
Selfies: more hazardous than sharks?
Nearly 38% more deaths from selfies than from sharks:
Conde Nast Traveler reported on Sept. 16 that 11 people had died during selfie accidents, while eight people worldwide were killed in shark attacks. The story picked up steam with the recent death of a tourist who fell down the stairs at the Taj Mahal while trying to snap a selfie, bringing the tally up to 12. Mashable created an infographic to illustrate how much deadlier careless selfies are compared to shark attacks.
Yes, it’s 11 vs. 8, but if it saves one life…:-)
Scott Alfter
26 Sep 2015

Time for some eats after the hash that turned into a pub crawl. :)
Obama’s Genocidal Treason
“You arrogant ass! You’ve killed us!”
No government has the blood of more American soldiers on its hands today than the government of Iran. From Lebanon to Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia to Iraq, Iran has been killing American soldiers for decades.
241 in Beirut. 19 at the Khobar Towers. Over 500 in Iraq and Afghanistan. The last time the United States officially fought Iran was under Reagan. But Iran has never stopped killing Americans. There is no reason to believe that it will stop once it has the nuclear weapons that Obama is helping its leaders obtain.
The last time left-wing radicals aided the nuclear program of an open enemy of the United States, they were put on trial for it. The sentencing judge at the time said that because “the nature of Russian terrorism is now self-evident” there was no further room for claims that no harm had been done.
“I believe your conduct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country,” Judge Kaufman stated.
These words of the Rosenberg verdict apply equally well to Obama’s betrayal on Iran. What the Rosenbergs did for Stalin, Obama did for the Ayatollah Khamenei.
Obama’s dirty nuclear deal with Iran has already sped along Iran’s aggression across the region. The more concessions Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry made, the more aggressive Iran became. It’s now involved in wars across the region that have already dragged the United States into its reach.
If Iran is allowed to go nuclear, these wars will become much worse and much more devastating.
Scott Alfter
21 Sep 2015

How’s this for a draft tower?
Scott Alfter
19 Sep 2015

7 new beers today…not a bad haul when you’re doing a pint at a time.
Scott Alfter
19 Sep 2015

Getting sprinkled on
Scott Alfter
19 Sep 2015

Bands singing German songs badly are apparently a fixture here…they’re kinda butchering Edelweiss right now. :)
Scott Alfter
19 Sep 2015

In the boot: Braxton Crankshaft IPA.