Sausage is low-carb. Mac and cheese? Not so much. :(
Scott Alfter
24 Oct 2017

Sausage is low-carb. Mac and cheese? Not so much. :(
A handle and a fifth of vodka in a corny keg, topped off with water and force-carbonated in the kegerator at 10 psi…we’ll see how this turns out.
Las Vegas Red Dress Run 2017
Costume ball
Friday brunch @ Wicked Spoon
Pre-LVRDR pub crawl
On trail #14 Sunday at InterAm
Finally getting around to a photo dump…these were from the last day at Parker, at the Desert Bar.
Just went through all the beer we’ve accumulated…sorted it out so I can pull a little of this and a little of that. I could provision an Onniversary with what I’m sitting on, and then some. :)
Didn’t figure the change in diet would have this quick a payoff, but I’m down 15 lbs. since Monday, I feel like I have more energy (I’m not nodding off nearly as much as I was), and on trail today? Got more running in than I have in a long time, and even ended up FRB at the end (though I’m willing to admit most of the pack longcutted toward the end…sometimes it pays to stay on trail).