The front is like a car, the back is like a truck…
Scott Alfter
31 Jan 2018

The front is like a car, the back is like a truck…
I’ve been on hold with PayPal for 55 minutes now. This blows.
What a road whore’s schedule looks like. :)
That was fun…was getting ready to anneal some .30-06 brass when the line connecting the tank to the reverse-osmosis system under the kitchen sink decided to come undone. Heard a rushing noise (from the tank emptying out) and wondered WTF it was for a few seconds, and then I plugged it with a thumb on one hand while emptying the cabinet with the other hand so I could get the tank out to let it finish emptying into the sink. I need that kind of excitement in my life. ?
At least I was home when it happened, so instead of flooding my condo, it only dumped about a gallon into a cabinet and onto the kitchen floor.
This time, the line’s tightened up almost to the point where the fittings would break or strip out.
The holes are too small. (That’s what she said. :) )
Got these back, and it turns out I had selected the wrong footprint in KiCad for U2 (a 78L05 voltage regulator). That’s $25 down the drain. Just corrected the layout (and verified that all the other holes are big enough) and uploaded the updated files to OSH Park to have them build a replacement batch.
In Soviet America, DoD blocks People’s Cube. Probably the work of a derp-state operative within the Pentagon, but it goes to show how deep the rot goes.