What’s this turdburglar doing as the spokesrat for shredding the Second Amendment? He wasn’t even at the school when the shooting occurred. The Lügenpresse has passed him off as a survivor. The only thing he’s survived is his mother not deciding to go see the abortionist:
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Scott Alfter
26 Mar 2018
The motherlode of Attention Hogg memes: https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/codrea-demeanor-of-march-for-our-lives-student-leaders-could-be-movements-achilles-heel/
One of the tamer ones included below.
Scott Alfter
26 Mar 2018
Only slightly photoshopped (not by me…I received it this way). These goons make it too easy:
Running: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 15:49:55
- Activity: Running
- Distance: 3.59 mi
- Duration: 00:56:10
- Average Pace: 15:38 min/mi
- Calories Burned: 647
- Activity Link: https://runkeeper.com/user/salfter/activity/1137328833
- Start Time: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 15:49:55
Scott Alfter
23 Mar 2018
Time-lapse video of a spool bolt and nut being printed. Frames were shot 10 seconds apart, so at 25 fps, each second covers 4:10 of build time. It takes about two and a half minutes to cover a 10-hour-plus job.
Scott Alfter
23 Mar 2018
Added a camera to the printer so I can see what it’s doing when I’m away…useful while it’s still at the office. Since the office lights switch off automatically, there’s a cheap table lamp keeping it lit until I rig it with LED strip lighting. It’ll send low-framerate (5 fps) live video, and it can produce time-lapse video of a printing session.
Something I definitely need to make, though: a tool to focus the lens.
(Right now, it’s printing a filament-spool bolt and nut. With them, filament should pay out more easily. Right now, the spool is spinning around a length of M8 threaded rod.)
Scott Alfter
23 Mar 2018
My first designed-from-scratch 3D-printed object:
Scott Alfter
19 Mar 2018
William Shatner pwns Paul Krugman. ?
Scott Alfter
18 Mar 2018
Tabi would’ve been 38 today. :(
Scott Alfter
16 Mar 2018
On trail