This explains quite a bit. (You might need to download and view separately to read the whole thing.)
Scott Alfter
30 Sep 2018

This explains quite a bit. (You might need to download and view separately to read the whole thing.)
Saw this in the jHavelina group…not sure what I think of the idea. Lorraine?
Do as I say, not as I do:
Who signed off on this photo? Expect 2nd-degree burns at a minimum if you try to hold a soldering iron like that while it’s on.
Wicked shiv.
An example needs to be made of whoever was responsible for this. With the unhinged behavior (all the way up to assassination attempts) we’re seeing from the Left, this can get people killed:
It’s a wonder they haven’t actually gone there yet. :)
Feminist agitators pushing their Kavanaugh witch hunt must never have heard of the boy who cried “wolf:”
SJW crybullies may have kicked the wrong hornet’s nest:
(Disclosure: I am a (very occasional) contributor to the Linux kernel. Rescission of my code isn’t likely to kill the Internet, but the contributions of others could easily prove to be more troublesome.)