Category Archives: 2nd Amendment
ACLU: totally copacetic with taking guns from people on no-fly list
Worthless bunch of communist bastards. Their advocacy for “civil liberties” is in the same vein as Spinal Tap’s appeal to its fans…becoming more selective:
Never trust the ACLU. NEVER trust the ACLU. NEVER TRUST THE ACLU.
I mean, geez, this is too raw even for Buzzfeed: “The American Civil Liberties Union is taking no position on legislation that would bar people from buying guns if they are on the federal government’s no-fly list — a list that the ACLU has spent the past five years arguing is unconstitutional.”
Perhaps Moonbeam should get his own house in order first
Heard about this on the radio on the way into work this morning…mainly that Gov. Brian Sandoval has already fired back at the little shit:
Fact Check: Jerry Brown’s False ‘Terrorist Back Door’ for Guns
On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) answered questions about the San Bernardino terror attack by pointing fingers at Arizona and Nevada, although the guns used in the terror attack were purchased legally in California.
Breitbart News previously reported that the two handguns used in attack were legally purchased by attacker Syed Farook, and the two AR-15 rifles were legally purchased by another individual some time ago. The Sacramento Bee reports that these legal purchases took place in California.
Yet according to the Bee, Brown tried to blame terrorism on the pro-Second Amendment laws that exist in states like Arizona and Nevada.
I’ve got your “hope and change” right here
Read the whole thing…there’s more I’d like to copy, but I’m dangerously close to the limits of fair use as it is:
Before Barack Obama, We Did Not Have Shootings Like This
Two weeks ago, a man began firing shots in a parking lot in Colorado Springs. He moved into a Planned Parenthood facility. Eventually captured, it turns out the man is a lunatic. He lived in a trailer with no running water or electricity. He had a history of violent behavior and crazy theories about the world. But according to the American political left, the man was clearly a Christian pro-life activist.
A few days ago in California, Islamic radicals shot up a Christmas party. Armed with long barrel rifles — not handguns — and an assortment of other instruments of death, they killed more than a dozen people. The American political left, before the facts became clear, immediately started blaming Republicans, the National Rifle Association and Christians. Once it was clear that Muslims were involved, the political left looked the other way.
We are seeing both a rise in these sorts of shootings and also a rise in political blame from the left directed at their opponents. But things were not always this way. Yes, there have been mass shootings in the past. Bill Clinton, even after signing the assault weapons ban into law, saw Columbine. George W. Bush saw the Virginia Tech shooting. Though gun violence continues to decline in this country, these sorts of events seem to be happening more and more often.
In fact, the pace does seem to have quickened in Barack Obama’s America. The man who tells his fellow Americans that incendiary rhetoric can cause violence once told his supporters to take guns to knife fights. He told supporters to get in the faces of their neighbors. He told Hispanic voters to punish Republicans who, Obama said, were their enemies.
Is 0bama wrong about mass shootings?
Do bears…you know…
Obama Is Wrong: Mass Shootings Do Happen Elsewhere, And More Often
Barack Obama stunned Americans and French alike on Tuesday with his false claims about gun violence in America. “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries,” the president claimed, as he has repeatedly over the years. Talk about being self-absorbed.
The French have witnessed three mass public shootings this year. January saw two attacks, one on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and another on a Paris supermarket. In the November attacks, 129 people were killed and 352 were injured. In 2015, France suffered more casualties than the U.S. has suffered during Obama’s entire presidency (508 to 394).
Obama also overlooks Norway, where Anders Behring Breivik used a gun to kill 67 people and wound 110 others. Still others were killed by bombs that Breivik detonated. Of the four worst K-12 school shootings, three have occurred in Europe. Germany had two of these — one in 2002 at Erfut and another in 2009 at Winnenden, with a total death toll of 34.
Obama isn’t correct even if he meant the frequency of fatalities or attacks. Many European countries actually have higher rates of death from public shootings that resulted in four or more murders. It’s simply a matter of adjusting for America’s much larger population.
Stupidity like this should be fatal
Not merely painful…this waste of oxygen deserves to bear the full brunt of what she has inflicted on the victims of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, among others. Their blood is on her hands as much as it’s on that of the hajjis directly culpable:
Actually Said Today: Sen. Barbara Boxer, “Gun Control Works, We’ve Proven It In California”

This is what a “gun-free zone” looks like
Looks like Rocky Mountain Gun Shows is going on the sh*t list
They’re among the Nevada gun businesses in favor of Michael Bloomberg’s universal background checks. Looks like I’ll need to get my reloading supplies elsewhere in the future:
‘Gunquislings’ Deserve Appropriate Response from Liberty Advocates
“[S]ome gun owners and gun dealers are also background check proponents,” Fox 5 KVVU-TV Las Vegas notes in a report on Michael Bloomberg’s bought-and-paid for campaign to end private sales in Nevada. They’ve found two who are happy to go on record siding with out-of-state moneyed elitist interests.
“A lot of people are trying to say we shouldn’t do background checks, they don’t work,” Alex Acree of Fallout Firearms in North Las Vegas gushes. “They absolutely work.”
Then there’s Kourosh Haroni, who runs the Rocky Mountain Gun Show at South Point Casino. He’s proud of going above and beyond current Nevada law by forbidding private sales.
“That’s our standards at the Rocky Mountain Gun Show,” he proclaims. “That’s what we believe.”
Fast and Furious Gun Scandal Heading to the Big Screen
Wonder if there’s any chance of this hitting theaters in time for the 2016 election:
Fast and Furious Gun Scandal Heading to the Big-Screen
Lionsgate is aiming to bring the story of the ATF’s gunwalking scandal to the big-screen.
The studio has picked up the rights to The Unarmed Truth: My Fight to Blow the Whistle and Expose Fast and Furious, a memoir written by ATF agent John Dodson, and has set Matthew Carnahan to pen the adaptation.
Lorenzo di Bonaventura will produce the adaptation, which will be titled River of Iron, with Josh Bratman and his Immersive Pictures banner.
Gunwalking, which later became known as the Fast and Furious scandal, was a strategy used by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms where the agency allowed the illegal sale of guns in Arizona with the hopes that the guns would cross the border into Mexico and lead to the arrests of members of the drug cartels.
That plan went off the rails when the guns sold began finding their way into local and border crimes. The tactic went public after a border patrol agent was killed by one of the firearms.
This is why the 2nd Amendment matters
It’s to defend against assholes like Keith Ellison and Bernie Sanders, should they get their way and attempt to pursue their eliminationist agenda:
Ellison’s ‘Extremism’ Charge Deflects from Own Subversive Affiliations
“Oath Keepers and Three Percenters [are] extremist anti-government movements,” Rep. Keith Ellison charged in a CNN hit piece we talked about in my last column. I noted then we’d take a look at the pot dissing the kettle, and now seems as good a time as any.
I’m going to focus on Ellison’s membership – and leadership – in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, founded by Democrat presidential contender Bernie Sanders and containing 69 of the most rabidly left-wing politicians to ever menace the future of the Republic. Or as Obi-Wan said about Mos Eisley, “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”…
Importantly, one of the CPC’s core “principles” is contempt for the right to keep and bear arms. They know that every tyranny that ever beat its subjects into dehumanized submission had to first disarm them, rendering them pliable, subservient and helpless. But don’t take my word for it – take theirs, paying special attention to their demand to ban firearms of militia utility.
OK, so they’re typical Democrats. Is that all I’ve got?
Well, yeah, that and pointing out the CPC’s close ties with another “progressive” group, the Democratic Socialists of America.
Do you like songs? So does the DSA, so much that they devoted a page on their website to hymns glorifying their “struggle” (i.e., what Hitler called “Mein Kampf” ). The following in particular should be of special interest, since the people they’re talking about, the “bourgeoisie,” are you and me! And they really explain (better than anything I could say) why the socialists need to take away our guns. Ready? All together now:
Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie
(Traditional American song, sung in rounds to the tune of “Frere Jacques”).Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill you all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie—–
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, See How They Run
(Usually sung in rounds after “Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie”. Sung to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”.)Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
See how they run,
See how they run
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill them all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie
Don’t try to look these up at the DSA’s website; they sent them down the memory hole long ago. The Internet Archive, however, is your friend.