Category Archives: dumbass

This is what happens when you put a malignant narcissist into the White House

B7HIMfsIAAAFLnfFailure to lead.  Even Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu both showed up, and they’re pretty much polar opposites in their neck of the woods. 0bama, OTOH, couldn’t be bothered:

“Je Suis Charlie” Morphed into ‘Je Suis Obama’  Before the Entire World

Barack Obama came out of the weeds today showing who and what he really is—and did it on his own.

While millions out on the street were chanting “Je suis Charlie”, came only lip service from the White House with the chant, “Je suis Obama”.

By ignoring the anti-terrorism rally in France—the largest in its entire history—Obama is no longer only America’s problem any more. He’s now the one Western leader who came out of the weeds to prove to the world that he doesn’t give a rodent’s rear about the horrific carnage of Islamic terrorism at a time when millions are taking to the streets to take a most public stand against it.

By staying at home in the White House, purportedly to watch a football game, Obama came out as stridently non-sympathetic to a world worried about terrorism; a politician who thinks it’s good enough to let empty lip service do his talking for him.

Everyone should care about terrorism, and everyone includes the arrogant community organizer in the White House.

We’re Number Two!

Change you can believe in…the last time we were only the world’s 2nd-largest economy, Ulysses S. Grant was in the White House:


Second place is the first loser, and 0bama has delivered it.

0bama and DeBlasio own this

Let me guess…these cops were “acting stupidly:”

DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Two NYPD Officers Murdered In Apparent Ferguson/Eric Garner “Revenge” Killing

Two NYPD officers sitting in their squad car after a counterterrorism drill were executed in a hail of gunfire this afternoon by a young African-American male assassin apparently radicalized on the hate spewed forth from Ferguson and Eric Garner activists, the mainstream media, and Democrat politicians.

The NY Post reports:

Two uniformed NYPD officers were shot dead — execution style — as they sat in their marked police car on a Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, street corner.

According to preliminary reports, both officers were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill when they were shot point-blank by a single gunman who approached their car at the corner of Myrtle and Tompkins avenues.

Change you can believe in

Cartoon - China Number One Economy

We’re Number Two

The U.S. was the world’s number one economy prior to World War II, but it took off bigtime after the war and there has not been a day of my long life in which we were not number one—until now.

The International Monetary Fund recently released its calculations regarding the world’s economy and concluded that China is the number one economy, producing $17.6 trillion in terms of goods and services, as compared with the U.S. producing $17.4 trillion. It’s not an overwhelming gap, but it is a warning that our economy is going in the wrong direction and has been before and since the financial crisis of 2008.

Why the country is spinning apart

Democrats have rigged the system into an unsustainable model that can only rip itself apart:

Sultan Knish: Amnesty for Unamerica

Obama’s excuse for his illegal amnesty will be that the immigration system is “broken” forcing him to act. But when Obama says that the system is broken, he means that some parts of it still work and so he intends to break immigration all the way through to benefit his own corrupt political allies.

That will hurt his own voters the most, but the Democratic Party has a notoriously masochistic relationship with its voting base. It beats them up and then it gaslights them by hugging them and telling them that it was really the mean Republicans who punched them in the face.


Immigration requires opportunity. We still have it, but less of it than we used to. Our immigration system is not based on opportunity. It’s based on a migratory flow of Democratic Party voters.

What broke the system was making it as open as possible to those who had the least to offer while closing it tightly to those who had the most to offer. Now Obama wants to import illegal aliens while deporting American jobs. He wants to trade American jobs to illegal aliens for Democratic votes.

Change you can believe in, part deux

Under Obama, U.S. personal freedom ranking slips below France

Americans’ assessments of their personal freedom have significantly declined under President Obama, according to a new study from the Legatum Institute in London, and the United States now ranks below 20 other countries on this measure.

The research shows that citizens of countries including France, Uruguay, and Costa Rica now feel that they enjoy more personal freedom than Americans.

22 Times Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law

Keep this in mind when the son of a bitch goes ahead with his illegal amnesty tomorrow:

22 Times Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law

It's Not Fascism When We Do It

He’s going ahead with this as a big “screw you” to everybody who voted to put the brakes on his lawless agenda earlier this month. If this isn’t an impeachable offense, then what is?  Are we still a nation of laws, or is that concept to be tossed to the wind the moment it becomes politically inconvenient?

(And for those of you who think this is somehow similar to previous amnesties, I offer you this rebuttal.)