Tabitha would’ve appreciated this…unreal just how purple the trees are.
Scott Alfter
31 Jul 2014

Tabitha would’ve appreciated this…unreal just how purple the trees are.
“Not even a smidgen of corruption?” Really?
Lois Lerner Called Conservatives ‘Assholes,’ Fantasized About Working At Obama Group
New emails released by the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday provide more evidence that ex-IRS official Lois Lerner is not fond of conservatives.
Seen on a bumper sticker: Heisenberg/Pinkman ’16. :)
Bubbling away…I expect it’ll clear up when the yeast is done.
Good news at last, no thanks to our alleged government. From the article: “Just to reiterate what happened here: A barbarian regime seized an American’s family and jailed them – and throughout their imprisonment no one in the United States Government did anything and neither the President nor his Secretary of State said a word. The British and Canadians helped, and the Italians sent a government plane and the deputy foreign minister. The Pope had time for the Wani family, but not President Fundraiser.”
ICYMI, Meriam Ibrahim had been raised as a Christian. Despite this, she had been accused of apostasy against Mohammedanism (since her father was one…never mind that she never knew her father) and was sentenced to death. For marrying another Christian, she had also been convicted of adultery and was to have been flogged. All this, and Barack Obama did sweet fck-all to set her free. Remember this the next time he starts up his “war on women” bullsht.
The Man Who Wasn't There (cont) :: SteynOnline
Meriam Ibrahim is out of the prison state of Sudan and in the free world. Sentenced to death for apostasy by Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa and forced to give birth to her baby while shackled to the wall in the filthy women's prison at Omdurman, Meriam
Too hot to brew…let’s make cider instead! Actually, this is probably better described as cyser: 2 gallons of apple juice (no preservatives, not from concentrate, no added ingredients), 1 pound of clover honey, one packet of Safale US-05 ale yeast. OG should be right around 1.060…juice was 11.2°P and the honey adds 8.9°P/lb/gal.
Nothing quite like getting your back walked on. :)