Monthly Archives: October 2014

Something to think about

Worth a read, given recent events:

Breaking the Silence: Redefining Marriage Hurts Women Like Me – and Our Children

It’s the true story of a family in which the husband decides his vows to his wife aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on, comes out, and gets a sympathetic judge to let him bring the kids into his new relationship:

Every time a new state redefines marriage, the news is full of happy stories of gay and lesbian couples and their new families. But behind those big smiles and sunny photographs are other, more painful stories. These are left to secret, dark places. They are suppressed, and those who would tell them are silenced in the name of “marriage equality.”

But I refuse to be silent.

I represent one of those real life stories that are kept in the shadows. I have personally felt the pain and devastation wrought by the propaganda that destroys natural families.

(h/t: American Thinker, which chronicles some of the disturbing fallout from the first link)

Abortion Barbie steps in it again

Wendy Davis: Greg Abbott Might Ban Interracial Marriage

Never mind that Greg Abbott is…umm…in an interracial marriage:

While Gov. Rick Perry is bowing out of Texas politics after an unprecedented three four-year terms in office, history could also be made if the Governor’s Mansion stays home to a Republican. If Attorney General Greg Abbott wins his campaign to succeed Perry — and he is favored to do so — his wife would become the first Latina to be the first lady of Texas.

This is on top of her recent attack on Abbott in which she claimed that he has something against the handicapped, apparently completely oblivious to the fact that Abbott’s been stuck in a wheelchair for years. What new depth of tone-deaf cluelessness will Abortion Barbie plumb next? Democrats should be embarrassed that they think such a mental midget is up to the task of running one of our largest states.

(h/t: AoSHQ)

How to stop ebola from spreading

Who knew that if you stopped letting in people from countries where there’s an outbreak of a disease, the likelihood of that disease running rampant in your own country would go way down? That’d never work…oh, wait, it just did:

Senegal Just Eradicated Ebola. It Implemented Travel Bans In August.

I suppose it’s too much common sense for the pinheads in our “government” to figure that out.

A light at the end of the civil-forfeiture tunnel?

Not an oncoming train:

Vegas prosecutors used ‘super seal’ to hide fortune seized from gamblers

Calling their conduct “constitutionally abhorrent,” a federal judge recently chided government prosecutors for working in secret to keep millions of dollars in cash and assets seized from a Las Vegas gambler and his family in a decadelong bookmaking investigation.

In his 31-page opinion, U.S. Magistrate Judge Cam Ferenbach cast light on the little-known court process that allowed the government to file civil forfeiture actions against Glen Cobb, his 82-year-old parents and his stepdaughter under “super seal” with no notice to anyone — not even the family it targeted.

(h/t AoSHQ)

Even his own party can’t stand him

Obama Faithful Walk Out on President’s Speech

We’ve reported several times on Democratic candidates’ unwillingness to be associated with Obama’s failed Administration, but things just got a little bit more embarrassing for the President and his supporters.

At yesterday’s GOTV rally for Maryland gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown, Democrat supporters who had waited hours for the chance to see the President speak reportedly walked out once Obama began his remarks.


There’s only one reason someone would leave a Presidential rally after snapping a picture on their phone—if they had no interest in what the President had to say.
