Monthly Archives: November 2014

Election-Eve Bombshell Memo Embroils Jeanne Shaheen in IRS Targeting Scandal

They tried keeping this bottled up until after the election, but failed:

Report: Election-Eve Bombshell Memo Embroils Jeanne Shaheen in IRS Targeting Scandal

Conservatives in New Hampshire—and in other states with Democratic U.S. Senators who sought to have the IRS look into conservative groups’ tax statuses—have been digging for evidence to tie those Democratic senators to the widely-panned efforts of the Lerner-led IRS division. For the most part, they’ve come up empty, save for tangential letters and evidence. But these new letters obtained by The Daily Caller’s Patrick Howley indicate some level of cooperation between the IRS and Democratic members of Congress in the lopsided scrutiny of conservative nonprofits.

“The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) did not want to publicly release 2012 correspondences exchanged between the IRS and Jeanne Shaheen at her personal Washington office: the agency delayed releasing the information to a major conservative super PAC multiple times, even threatening to see the super PAC in court, according to emails,” Howley wrote in what appears to be a bombshell story published late Monday evening, hours before the polls open here in a brutal election battle between Shaheen and former Sen. Scott Brown.

The letters that Howley obtained seem to indicate that Shaheen personally worked alongside the IRS’s Lerner to target conservative groups. The IRS’s then-chief counsel William J. Wilkins, who Howley notes had frequently visited President the White House and was “described by insiders as ‘The President’s Man at the IRS,’” wrote a personal “hand-stamped memo” addressed to “Senator Shaheen” on “official Department of the Treasury letterhead on April 25, 2012.”

Are Democrats trying to push us to the point where this becomes the only viable solution?


Scumbag IRS agent tries to bribe cops after a fight at a football game

They only put “IRS agent” in scare quotes because the only confirmation so far is a Google+ profile with matching name and location, but it’s not exactly a common name:

Video: “IRS agent” tries to bribe Pittsburgh PD after football fracas

At Sunday’s Steelers win over Baltimore, [Stephen] Sapp began getting into a drunken rage at one of the gates of Heinz Field, prompting off-duty and on-duty officers to attempt to get him to leave. After Sapp knocked a woman unconscious during the tirade that followed, he resisted arrest, but that’s where the fun began for Sapp (via Instapundit):

Sapp sustained some cuts in the struggle and was transported to UPMC Mercy Hospital for treatment.

While at the hospital, Sapp allegedly tried to bribe officers to let him go.

According to the criminal complaint, Sapp stated, “Listen, I know how this works. How much money will it take to make this go away and to let me go home today?

The officers informed Sapp that he could not attempt to bribe them, but Sapp continued.

Look, I am an IRS agent and I can help you in other ways if you let me go home and make this go away.

After being treated at the hospital, Sapp was transported to the Allegheny County Jail and was being held on $10,000 bond.

(Emphasis added.)