Clear thread FTW! It definitely makes sewing lots of patches on easier when you don’t have to keep matching thread color to the patch that’s being sewn.
Scott Alfter
30 Aug 2017

Clear thread FTW! It definitely makes sewing lots of patches on easier when you don’t have to keep matching thread color to the patch that’s being sewn.
In case you haven’t heard already…there’s also an option to send money directly via PayPal (send to with the friends-and-family option) to cut down on fees. Help an enabler of patch whores! :)
Anybody notice some pigs flying by outside?
Taco Tuesday!
When Animals Attack, Antifa vs. BLM Edition:
The Onion may as well pack it in, seeing as how reality is proving more ridiculous than satire:
Because if you get your news from the professional gaslighters we call “mainstream media,” you’ll never hear this:
Weird-looking sky this morning…looks like solid overcast to the west, but the sun’s out over here.