Monthly Archives: February 2016

Yes, Virginia, there is such as thing as “vote fraud”

…and maybe the shenanigans in Iowa will finally convince rank-and-file Democrats of this fact:

Hillary Clinton & Iowa Caucus: a ‘Transparency’ Problem

What a difference a fortnight makes.

Two weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was all about transparency. “We have to do a much better job of protecting Americans’ voting rights…”  Having since secured a hair’s-breadth victory in Monday’s Iowa caucus, Clinton is suddenly feeling less exercised about those principles.

On Thursday, the Des Moines Register, Iowa’s largest newspaper, took said caucuses to task in an editorial. “What happened Monday night at the Democratic caucuses was a debacle, period,” the paper declared. “Democracy, particularly at the local party level, can be slow, messy and obscure. But the refusal to undergo scrutiny or allow for an appeal reeks of autocracy.”

The resounding response from Clinton’s team and Iowa’s Democratic party? “Shut your trap.”


Of course, even If Democrats did want to audit the results, they couldn’t. “People physically aligned in groups,” Sam Lau, the Iowa Democratic party’s communications director said in a statement on Thursday. “There are no paper ballots to recount.”


But for a party that claims Republicans are one Antonin Scalia opinion away from re-instituting a poll tax and is still crying foul over Bush v. Gore — a party whose presidential front-runner sanctimoniously quoted Al Smith on how “All the ills of democracy can be cured by more democracy” just two weeks ago — this episode is particularly rich.

Not much of a surprise here

Haz the dumb

Bernie Sanders supporters can’t describe socialism

Bernie Sanders supporters are very enthusiastic, but seem a little short on political philosophy. A reporter from CNN recently asked attendees at a Sanders town hall event to describe socialism.

Josh Feldman reported at Mediaite:

CNN’s Baldwin Asks Sanders Supporters to Define the Word ‘Socialist’

At a recent Bernie Sanders rally, CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin asked some of his supporters to define the word socialism. And, well, some of them didn’t exactly know…

Baldwin showed her video of the very enthusiastic Sanders supporters she spoke with on CNN earlier today. A few of them contrasted Sanders with Hillary Clinton.

They can’t win if they can’t cheat

Even when it’s blue-on-blue:

Give ‘Em a Few More Days, And Everyone Will “Know” That Rubio Won Iowa

The last report is that the [Democrat] Party is asking 90 Iowa precincts to “recreate” their polling sites because they were not properly staffed. I don’t know what that means, either. I don’t know if they mean they want people to come in and re-caucus, or just turn over their records.

But 90 precincts, I guess, could change the vote, which currently stands at Hillary 49.8%, Sanders 49.6%.

She won one delegate by a coin flip.

Zincfinger says she won six delegates by coin-toss:

According to Barone, HRC won 6 delegates by coin-flip, going 6/6 on six separate coin-tosses. A 1/64 probability occurrence. Amazing!
